Thursday, July 26, 2007

Did I Blog that?

OK, I've reached 75 blogs so my mind naturally starts to lose track of those topics or stories I have already told and those I haven't. Not that I can't go back and check them, and search for key word like tits, winkle, and vibraphone to jog my memory. And by memory, I mean...dicktation.

I have a weird tendency to think of a blog topic and even write the first paragraph or so in my mind so when I get down to actually typing it, the exercise is more like dictation -- at least for the first paragraph. This makes it difficult to remember whether or not it has actually been published. I would love to explore the blurred line between experienced memory and imagined memory. The 'memory' itself is stored the same way in either case. Weird.

My wife is NO help. Honey, did I already blog the time when I was walking on the fence at the Phoenix house and accidentally slipped off straddling the fence and simultaneously endangering the very existence of Max, Caitie, Abby, and Olivia? To which she replies, "I don't know."

Its not that she doesn't read my uninspired works. It is that she has selective amnesia. And these days she selects much of her life to forget. Once in a while there are glimmers of memory and once in a while a very vivid memory will be triggered by something as trivial as a popcorn ceiling.

Most of the time, when she doesn't remember things, they have to do with me, or a present I gave her, or someplace we have been together. This is frustrating because possibly the main or ONLY reason to bring somebody along with you to any event is so you can share a common experience about which you can later reminisce and co-exaggerate. The world is in harmony when both of you conveniently embellish and corroborate each other’s stories.

The problem is, if you are married to an Alzheimer’s patient it loses a little in the credibility department when she gives you the confused look after a bloated tale. Oh well, the burden of proof just becomes a little more onerous on me…no big deal.

I have taken to writing the ideas I need to blog down in a hidden, unpublished blog. My problem is, the list keeps growing and the opportunity to take dictation on them seems rare. At some point I will have to accept defeat and just pound them all out at once. Not likely…