Thursday, January 07, 2010

Secret Hidden

Denied self? Perhaps.
Yet they gaze.
Who is to judge? All.
The purpose of deceit
To cloud the real
To manage the judge
To fool them. All.

No deficiencies.
Nothing authentic
naught of shame.
Surface bliss and control
Portrays the hider

Physical limits
Emotional scars
The deep and dark
All would misunderstand
There is no turmoil
Churning here
None for All to see

But why to guard?
Avoid derision?
Dawn the Secret armor
Stay safe and shallow
and protected from All.

Comfort lies hidden
Shielded from the divisive
Who plot to use
The naked truth
To supplement pain.

All unconcerned
With tender things
That breed feelings
the hiders harbor and
strenuously obscure

Better to bury
Disguise the flaws
Unseen and undetected
The glossy glint
The surface will suffice

Hazard lurks as All observe
Smooth skin without ripple
And so infer
their own dark
Fallacious parade

A book's cover
pages unread.
Sealed from harm
The dog-eared truth
locked, secret, safe.
Hidden from All.