I've heard many refer to the tags on mattresses and seat cushions and make jokes about the removal of tags that say: UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG IS NOT TO BE REMOVED -
My problem is not with the tag, but rather the addition of the trailing phrase, "...EXCEPT BY CONSUMER." It is amusing to me that there was enough confusion in the world as to the legality of removing a tag on a manufactured product that these words had to be added. The fact that they had to add this punctuates the insanity of laws and the heap of garbage it has become. In this ever-litigious society we live in, lawmakers are hair-trigger quick to leap to their feet while loudly exclaiming, "...there aught to be a law!" As the law books and federal registers continue to swell with ever-increasing do's and don'ts we continue to lose liberty. Sad, really.
Every comedian in the '80s made fun of the mattress tag law. It was at that time that we should have instituted a law that for every law that is enacted, two would have to be removed. This would do two things: First, it would thin out the law herd. Most laws are crap anyway. Second, if enacting a law got rid of two laws, it would serve to impose a "cost" to enacting a law. That way, as stupid laws became scarce, good laws would be threatened. There would soon be no more throw-away laws and the price of enacting a law would be too great. Or, if the law were important, it would be deemed worth it. Either way, liberty wins.
Looking for the mattress police to stop by and slap the cuffs on me as a result of yesterday's tag removal "incident."