Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Conversation Translation

I shun the saying, "the solution to pollution is dilution." This phrase was the answer to the question, "How do we deal with poison in our water supply." The answer is weird, in my mind. But I guess this adage is true. We adopt the same thinking when we allow rat feces and bug parts in "acceptable quantities" to be mixed in our Wheaties or Jif.

My reservation with this situation is that its motivation is an addiction. Frustration with this resolution or conclusion is a preparation for infestation or infection. This determination for sanitation is fiction. Correction and education are the proper preparation for pollution reduction.

As with everything, it is a cost trade-off. We could absolutely avoid pollution for a cost. But the cost is too great. Too much to keep bugs out of our food, poison out of our water or other impurities out of our lives. All COULD be sanitized but the cost would be so astronomical that it is obviously prohibitive.

Finely minced grasshopper adds a certain exotic flavor that we've come to expect - so with entomological removal would come diminishment.

Now to avoid deterioration and dilapidation I need a vacation.

1 comment:

Rusty Southwick said...

Oooo... it makes me wonder. How many on that panel take their nicotine unfiltered. And such.

And then, what is poison? Is mercury? Is iron? Is zinc? Wait, I apparently now need to deal with the poison in my multi-vitamin. And I definitely need a tablet that has smaller doses of arsenic.

Thus, in celebration of your manifestation that the determination for sanitation is fiction, I offer you oblations and salutations.