Monday, November 22, 2010


I enjoy titling things. I love inventing and creating mostly because I get a kick out of what comes out. I realize that I mostly amuse myself. That's OK.

In looking through the titles of the different blog entries, it is clear to me that I enjoy complex portmanteau alliterative inventified double entendre rhyming titles. I have fun with titles even though very few folks will see them - even if they read my blog they will skip the title. The title becomes a placeholder or identifier (even for books and movies) rather than carrying much meaning.

I've created a new hobby: finishing the titles of books that seem to be missing something. Titling is fun if you just call your book "Blind Fury" or "The Anchovy's Psyche" or "Fundamentals of Calculus II"- but some titles seem incomplete. "Of Mice and Men" seems like it should have an ellipse before it. "The Dessert Preferences Of Mice and Men" or "The Genetic Combination Of Mice and Men".

1 comment:

Rusty Southwick said...

The Man Who Would Be King Would Be Formerly Known as Prince
Walden: Two Years of Utter Hell
Journey to the Center of the Earth on Only $20 a Day
The Game Isn't Over Till the Phantom of the Opera Performs an Appendectomy
Little Women: A Retrospective on Feminine Passive-Aggressiveness in the Renaissance