Monday, August 16, 2010

Use the Fours

I may be over-reacting, but I think it is unfair that Darth Vader is able to choke a guy out with his mind/force power - especially for a minor infraction. I really think the ability to injure someone just thinking about it would be a hazardous superpower regardless. I think if this force were real there should be a price paid for its use.

For example, not everyone has the force and those who do think twice about using it because for every use it shaves time off your life. Here is the schedule:

Life Tax Table

Life tax = amount off ones life as payment for use of the force:

Picking up an object just out of reach: 1 month life tax
Communicating with life forces on other planets: Variable life tax based on distance
Choking some guy out who 'fails' you: 1 year life tax
Knowing where to shoot to blow up Death Star: 1 day life tax
Forcing slow car in front of you out of your lane: 7 seconds life tax
Giving Brittany Spears laryngitis: 1 day life tax credit

This is an abbreviated list of course. A complete schedule of the Life Tax Table should be developed and given to each person with the force so they can make informed decisions when using the force as they see fit. Complete disclosure allows the force user to determine the importance of force use as compared to life left. By the way, use of the force into deficit or "into the red" will result in instant death. Therefore, terminal force-using cancer patients can use the force willie nillie for every whim - the worst that can happen is the tax takes their life. No big deal. (Unless, of course, they roll the dice and use the force to cure their cancer, in which case the use tax will take its toll but may extend life as well - the timing is critical in this case).

As a management style using the force seems a little extreme. But if there are two guys facing each other in conflict, it seems unbalanced if one of them is able to randomly kick your butt with his mind.

I wonder if Darth Vador has the same power with other species, "You have pooped on my carpet for the last time..."


Glamar said...

so one of my kids once said, "Baseball would be a different game if the force was real." And Yes we tried it out.

Rusty Southwick said...

Poor kid had to grow up with the name of Darth, and all the other kids teasing him incessantly. Same thing happened to his cousin, but at least he got a mall named after him.

The force definitely shouldn't be used willy-nilly. It's kind of like voodoo without the doll.