Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who can I turn to?

It's time for everyone's favorite parlor game, Nomberguessin. I think it's Swedish. Here are today's puzzles:

7 - dotw (days of the week)
365-diay (days in a year)
88-pk (piano keys)
50-wtlyl (ways to leave your lover)
9-iiabbg (innings in a baseball game)
93,000,000 - mtts (miles to the sun)
8675309 - jn (Jenny's number)
16 - pn (penny nail)
10 - yfafd (yards for a first down)
26 - miam (miles in a marathon)
23 - MJjn (Michael Jordan's jersey number)
762 - chrr (career home run record)
1001 - AN (Arabian Nights)
101 - d (Dalmatians)
12 - am (Angry Men)
52 - wiay (weeks in a year)
7 bf 7 b (brides for brothers
7 - ds (deadly sins)
24 - hiad (hours in a day) or (hours in Jack Bauer's day)
5280 - fiam (feet in a mile)
6.02×10^23 - An (Avagadro's number)
23 - eitlito (entries in this list including this one)
5 - s (senses)

I got your number. Wasn't that fun?

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