Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fresh as a Dazey

Suppose I had a business of making stuff up. I would enjoy that immensely. I make stuff up all the time. My mind continuously makes stuff up. That is not to say that I'm a liar. I just have a vast, open mind filled with junk waiting to be dumped out. No idea where it comes from, no idea how to use it. It just sits. And ripens (or rots depending on the case) and I periodically take the time to empty the trash. Usually in a Facebook status and a subsequent blog. Much like this one.

So, what if I had a headline-generating business, for example? "Trust the caring professionals at 'Head Acres' for all your headline needs. Guaranteed to be pithy, zany, though-provoking, and un-plagiarized. We specialize in alliterations and double-entendre (which in French means two entendres). Never ludicrous or misleading unless that is the intention. Licensed, unbounded and ensured. Your statusfaction guaranteed." (Portmanteau intended)

My real purpose here was to include a portmanteau just to keep everyone off balance. I have a real fascination with things like this. One of my favorite pass-times is trying to figure out why so much of entertainment is so lame. I guess not all movies, tv shows, radio shows, podcasts, songs, and circus extravaganzas can be quality but I'm amazed how many are just plain plain. Mean. Average. I apply the standard that if I could have done an equal to or better job writing/producing/directing and starring in the event then it is, by definition, lame. I dislike J. Lennno for the same reason. 98.4% of his humor is low-brow, dumbed-down, obvious, and un-funny.

He does have lots of cars, though. Perhaps I should re-think this.

1 comment:

Rusty Southwick said...

Leno might be a plant in an attempt to try to make Jimmy Kimmel look good, but it's still an uphill battle. It's not really Kimmel's fault, I suppose, since he was in a motorcycle accident and had both his arms amputated just above the humerus.

I've been listening to random albums online from 2009 and 2010, and even among the highly recommended ones, for the most part they contain a healthy dose of filler. It's like they don't even care. They just want something on there so they can call it an album and meet their quota for the quarter.

And you just know that the talent programs on TV purposely insert several turkeys in the midst just to make it all look unchoreographed. Wasn't that amazing a bad act got through? How did that happen? Don't know... Wasn't anyone paying attention? Oh well, not much we can do about it now since this isn't a live event. What's actually the funny part is that so many people don't realize it's all contrived.

So much of it seems to come down to the bulk of movies, TV shows and songs being so dang formulaic that they offend the creativity of those with a penchant for such things. Unfortunately the target audience laps it up.