Tuesday, July 06, 2010

You Spin Me Right Round

I've decided I won't be doing anything "for the record" anymore. I've heard too many people who pontificate endlessly about nothing but when they really want to be serious or really make a point, they way, "...for the record." This puts the recorder on notice that not only is next thought important, but the last 20 minutes is completely forgettable. This can be handy in denial. This goes along with the phrase, "I mean it!" As soon as someone says, "I mean it," I immediately wonder whether they did not mean anything else they have said.

And if anyone says "...for the record" to me, I'm going to have to inform them that I am not keeping any records either. Beyond the record loosely kept in my head, no official record of their 'for the record' will be kept and reference back to that will be suspect. I have yet to join in a conversation where the other person reminded me that they went on record as having said or meant something. I consider this unfair anyway because they did not witness me writing anything down.

And by the way, where is the proverbial "permanent record" we were all threatened with when we were in elementary school. Too often others have access to it and that berry fight comes back to haunt me again.

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