Monday, July 12, 2010

Invective Castigation

Those who really know me understand that this is mostly a joke. I did get caught, though, assisting someone who, as my father-in-law would say, is "not scholarship material." I grew tired of their inability to listen to me but worse, I was helping them with things I had no business being involved with - like advanced domain server configuration for free. As I became more and more frustrated that I had to answer his many uninformed questions I found myself in the midst of what I will call a 'patience deficit' situation. When this happens to me, I usually don't react to it as there is nothing that can be done to help their circumstance. I am not able to, for example, make this difficult task any easier or make them inherently smarter. So, as a result, I feel helpless but none the less resigned to accept it. This character trait makes me good at my job and frustrating to my smokin' hot wife. She'd like to see a little more ire once in a while I'm afraid.

What I hate is when I get thanked for my patience - especially when I'm not being patient. Right in the middle of a sarcastic, snide, cynical, caustic, mocking, irascible comment to an arguably deserving dolt, if said dolt congratulates me for my patience it usually derails my vitriol and I end up calming down and being forced toward rationality. Just as I sink my teeth into a juicy diatribe with the intent of making the recipient feel 'like a penny waiting for change,' (Thanks Papa Woods for the colloquialism) I get dipped in a figurative icy depth.

Where's the delicious satisfaction in that?

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